White Water Award / 3 Star WW

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The White Water Awards are aimed at paddlers looking to develop their skills for a safe day out on rivers. These awards can be taken in a variety of craft, including white water kayaks, OC1s and sit on tops, depending on your skill level and the environment. There are no prerequisites or age restrictions so start your next award today!

Successful performance at this level indicates that the paddler can now paddle on moving waters. They can do this in a competent manner as part of a led group and have the knowledge and ability to help the smooth running of a trip while being led down a section of a river with sections up to grade 2.

Your White Water Award endorses your skill, judgment and decision making to ensure a successful day on rivers up to grade 2

You will be confident in planning and undertaking journeys on moving water with proficient skills to be in control throughout. Your award should be seen as a sound basis for building the experience and knowledge associated with Progressive White Water Award holders.

A kayak that is safe and fit for purpose for the remit of the award and the assessment tasks.
This may include for example:
• White water kayak
• Sit-on-top with suitable footrests, knees straps and seat
• OC1
• Suitable white water inflatable kayak

WW Kayaking

3 Star Kayak Skills